
  • 2 measures of Tequila
  • Garnish of Lime Slices
  • 1 measure of Orange Liqueur
  • 1/2 measure of Lime Juice


To prepare the Margarita for maximum taste, you’re going to have to make it like the pros do. To do this you’ll need to ‘salt the rim’ of the cocktail glasses. To salt the rim of your cocktail glass, simply cut some lime and rub the juice along the rim of the cocktail glass. Once you have done this, dip the glass in salt (this can be standard table salt or other sweeter alternatives).

Next up, add your Cointreau, Tequila and Lime Juice into a cocktail shaker and shake your mixture well. Once you’re done, strain the contents of the shaker into your pre-prepared cocktail glass. Lastly, add your wheel of lime garnish to the cocktail glass before serving to your guests. This is how to make a great tasting Margarita cocktail!