At least 3 players, 2 dice and as many drinks as you want.
Everyone sits in a circle and take it in turns to roll one die until someone rolls a three. This person is then the Three Man.
Everyone sits in a circle and take it in turns to roll one die until someone rolls a three. This person is then the Three Man.
Everyone takes it in turns to roll two dice each, going clockwise and starting with the person to the left of the Three Man. The sum of the two dice dictates the forfeit as follows:
3 -The Three Man has to take a drink, unless he rolls the 3 in which case he can pass the title on to whoever he chooses.
7 - The person on your right drinks.
9 - Everyone drinks!
11 - Person to your left drinks.
A combination of a 4 and a 1 means that the roller has to put their thumb on the floor, or for a combination of a 1 and a 5 put your finger on your nose.
Rolling a double allows the roller to pass the dice to someone else, and if they don’t roll a double they have to suffer a forfeit.
It’s basically a game of luck, although you can always practice your throwing technique to increase your chances of getting the numbers that you want. To make it more interesting the Three Man can wear a “Beer Helmut”, or indeed anything that can be worn on the head, and when they’re no longer the Three Man they have to ceremoniously pass the hat over to the new recipient.